This policy ensures that employees shall be made aware of grievance policy as a part of orientation to employment with Zoe House.
- Initial Complaint
- The initial complaint shall be given to the employee’s immediate supervisor with details regarding the complaint.
- The statement to the immediate supervisor should detail dates, times, occurrences and facts of occurrences. The statement shall be presented in a simple form which can be easily understood.
- Any matter of alleged unlawful discrimination shall go directly to “Formal Complaint”.
- The supervisor should discuss the complaint with the employee to further ascertain what corrective action may be appropriate.
- Following this discussion, the supervisor has seven days to conduct any necessary investigation and inform the complainant of the actions taken or to be taken.
- Escalated Complaint
- In the event that the complainant is not satisfied with the action taken by the immediate supervisor or the complaint is against the immediate supervisor, the complainant shall notify the next level supervisor of the complaint in writing within seven days.
- The complaint to the next level supervisor should detail the complaint as demonstrated in the initial complaint.
- If this complaint is a result of the complainant’s dissatisfaction with the decision of the immediate supervisor, those actions should also be detailed in writing.
- The next level supervisor shall have a discussion with the complainant to further understand the details of the complaint.
- The next level supervisor shall conduct any investigation necessary and provide a response to the complainant within seven days.
- Formal Complaint
- In the event that the complainant is not satisfied with the decisions or actions of the higher level supervisor, the employee shall complete and file a “Formal Form of Complaint” within seven days.
- This form is available in the residential home’s office.
- The employee shall complete the form and file it with the CEO or other Executive of Zoe House LLC along with necessary documentation.
- An executive of Zoe House LLC will give copies of the documentation to the immediate supervisor and next level supervisor.
- There shall commence an executive-led mediation between the appropriate parties in an attempt to come to a mutual agreement.
- If no agreement can be gained, a summary of the mediation shall be filed detailing the areas of discontent or disagreement along with all actions taken, decision made and/ or recommendations.
- The decisions and/ or actions of the executive leading the mediation as well as the summary will be given to all parties involved.
Any employee not adhering to the timing of the process shall be deemed to have waived rights for consideration by this policy regarding the complaint under consideration.
Any actions deemed to be retaliation against an employee filing a complaint shall be considered serious and appropriately disciplined.